On 9 March 2022, Dr. Sarun Sumriddetchkajorn, Director of Assistive Technology and Medical Devices Center (A-MED), NSTDA participated in a press conference announcing an establishment of National Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Data Exchange Platform. Initiated by the National Institute for Emergency Medicine (NIEM), the platform is an essential tool to facilitate the EMS digital transformation and data-driven EMS, enabling equal access to medical services. The National EMS Data Exchange Platform will be developed by a consortium of the following public and private organizations: NIEM, NSTDA, Office of the Permanent Secretary for Public Health, Digital Government Development Agency (DGA), Coraline Company Limited, National Telecom Public Company Limited (NT), Microsoft, Kasetsart University and Government Big Data Institute (GBDi).

In this project, A-MED will be responsible for the development of data lake, EMS gateway, single sign-on system and connection between the gateway and the digital call center for emergency medical services (D1669).

Prior to this project, A-MED has developed the digital emergency medical services, comprising the digital call center for emergency medical services (D1699) and an emergency telemedicine direction. D1699 enables “Total Conversation” in which users can communicate with call center staff via voice, photo, video clip and GPS location and is linked to the Thai Telecommunication Relay Service (TTRS) and the Interpretation Service of Tourist Police, thus extending the service to the disabled and foreigners. The emergency telemedicine direction employs a cloud platform for storing and managing medical information, thus enabling the rescue team to access patient records and provide proper primary aid and consult with physicians at the hospital while patients are being transported to the hospital.